Floating For A Speedy Recovery



Not only do our Float Therapy pools help with relaxation, but the buoyancy and magnesium levels in the water help promote physical and mental healing. This can be helpful with chronic pain, arthritis and injury recovery.




There are a few reasons why Float Therapy can assist with injury recovery, the first being REST (restricted environmental stimulation therapy). There are two main features of REST: chamber REST, in which a person lies in a silent, dark room, and floating REST, in which a person floats in a pool of liquid while being in a soundproof and lightproof environment. REST sessions help create an environment that activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which reduces stress and activity in the sympathetic nervous system. This brings the immune and endocrine systems into balance by lowering cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. There are four main components to Float Therapy assisting with injury recovery:

Improved Sleep

It’s a fact of life that the better you sleep, the quicker you recover. This is why a good REST session promotes a speedy recovery. The deeper, better-quality sleep that comes with floating encourages muscular growth and recovery, quick reflexes, and enhanced performance.

Improved Healing

You take off all the weight from your skeletal system while you’re in a float pool. This promotes a high level of relaxation in the body. Additionally, Epsom salt eases the pain of strained joints and tight muscles. Blood pressure and oxygen levels decrease as blood flow increases. As mentioned, this helps lower cortisol and adrenaline that might have built up, speeding up your healing process.

Increasing Awareness of Sensation

When floating, you are much more aware of your body and any tension you may be holding. It enables you to pay attention to any unnoticed strain in your body so that you may inform your doctor before it worsens.

Loosening your muscles 

Floating relaxes tense muscles to avoid harm during sport or everyday life. It also enables the release of endorphins, which improves athletic performance and reduces the risk of injury in the first place.

Whether you are recovering from a general injury or a professional athlete, you can benefit from floating to promote healing or prevent injuries manifesting in the first place.


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